Dieng Plateau

Dieng PlateauFor those of you who like the resorts in mountainous areas, there is no harm in visiting this plateau. Plains known as the Dieng Plateu is situated at an altitude of 21 meters above sea level. This place offers the natural beauty and the cold mountains.

Dieng Plateu a vast plain surrounded by mountains, including Mount Prahu, Mount Juranggrawah, Mount Pangamun-amun, Mount Sipandu, and several other Mt. No wonder if the air temperature in this area ranges between 15 ° -10 ° Celsius. In fact, if you visit during the dry season the temperature may reach 5 ° Celsius
The name "Dieng" comes from the combination of two words in Sanskrit, is "in" which means "mountain" and "hyang" from the word "Khayangan", which means "abode of the gods and goddesses". When combined, the name "Dieng" means "mountain abode of the gods and goddesses". But there is another source that says, "Dieng" comes from the Javanese, the "edi" which means beautiful / gorgeous and "Aeng" meaning strange. So "Dieng" means "beautiful place and have a strangeness".

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